Title: Like the Stars Pairing: Onew/Minho Rating: G Genre: Angst Warnings: Swearing, Mild Sexual Content, Major Character Death Before Beginning of Story Final Word Count: 14,189
Title: Spell of Fire and Water Pairing: Minjung/Gwiboon Rating: Teen and Up Audience Genre: Fantasy/Romance/Adventure Warnings: Brief mentions of knives, mild emetophobia Final Word Count: 12,229
Title: Can’t Escape Pairing: Kibum-centric; Kibum/Jonghyun Rating: Teen and Up Audience Genre: Angst/SciFi/Friendship Warnings: panic attacks, a bit of violence and swearing Final Word Count: 22.015
Title: Precipitation &; Other Reasons to get Naked Pairing: Onew x Taemin, side! Eunsook x Minho, past! Taemin x Kai Rating: Teen and Up Audience Genre: Slice of life / Humor-Comedy/Friendship Warnings: N/A Final Word Count: 60, 883